“The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field." Matthew 13
"Yes, to me (Paul), less than the least of all Christians, has God given this grace, to enable me to proclaim to the Gentiles the incalculable riches of Christ..." Ephesians 3 Imagine if you were walking along through your life and came upon a deep dark well with an old-fashioned hand-crank, pulley and a bucket able to descend down deep into the earth below. You try it to see what that darkness holds. As the bucket rises up toward you with each rotation of the pulley-handle, the sunlight catches glints and glimmers, not of water, but of a bucketful of gold, precious jewels and riches unimaginable. All you have to do is drop the bucket again. Then bring it up. Every single time that you do so is another experience of overwhelming wealth. What would you do next? Would you only occasionally approach the well, because your life is so busy and stressful? Would you continue to think that your life is defined by how your career is going; "Well, I'd like to go back to that well, but I'm pretty important over at my job..."? Not likely. My guess is you would give the fullness of your time and energy and strength to the simple daily task of bringing up wealth from the well. And you would delight in it. And you'd constantly be chuckling to yourself at the "luck" that had brought you across that find. Well, Jesus is better than that. His "treasure hidden in a field," His "incalculable riches" are far greater than any earthly treasure of which you or I could ever conceive. His mysteries shock the angels, shake the foundations of the earth and are presently available to you who are reading this. Will you delve down today? Will you give your all to possessing the ALL of Christ that the Holy Spirit makes available? May we never stop going to the well of His grace and mercy and knowledge and truth and goodness and righteousness and kindness and joy and peace and longsuffering and LOVE that's been lavished upon us!
Carrie McKee
4/16/2015 15:11:07
I read Proverbs 4:7 this morning and it said - Get wisdom. Though it cost you everything you have, get understanding. In a similar vein as the post said, why wouldn't we go to where the obvious place for wisdom or wealth has been offered over & over again in the past - in our relationship with Jesus!
4/16/2015 21:27:08
Love this, Carrie! He HIMSELF is wisdom, insight and life. SO good!
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February 2025