From Luke 8, with some notes: Then his disciples asked him the meaning of the parable [of the sower]. To which Jesus replied, “You have been given the chance to understand the secrets of the kingdom of God, but the others are given parables so that they may go through life with their eyes open and ‘seeing they may not see, and hearing they may not understand.'"
“This is what the parable means. The seed is the message of God. The seed sown by the roadside represents those who hear the message, and then the devil comes and takes it away from their hearts so that they cannot believe it and be saved. (Yet, because of the incarnation and death and resurrection of Jesus, here’s our new reality with respect to the evil one: “Since therefore the children share in flesh and blood, he himself likewise partook of the same nature, that through death he might destroy him who has he power of death, that is, the devil, and deliver all those who through fear of death were subject to lifelong bondage” (Heb. 2). What a glory that, in Jesus, we’re never the “first seed!”) That sown on the rock represents those who accept the message with great delight when they hear it, but have no real root. They believe for a little while but when the time of temptation comes, they lose faith. (And yet, because of our life in Abiding in Him, here’s our new reality with respect to “rootedness”: “Just as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so go on living in him – in simple faith. Grow out of him as a plant grows out the soil it is planted in, becoming more and more sure of the faith as you were taught it…” (Col. 2) What a blessing that, in Jesus, we have the right soil and root system!) And the seed sown among the thorns represents the people who hear the message and go on their way, and with the worries and riches and pleasures of living, the life is choked out of them, and in the end they produce nothing. (And yet, because of how He gave up all heavenly splendor for us, here’s our new reality of wealth immeasurable: “He was rich beyond our telling, yet he became poor for your sakes so that his poverty might make you rich” (2 Cor. 8). What a bounty that, in Jesus, we inherit!) But the seed sown on good soil means the men who hear the message and accept it with good and honest heart, and go on steadily producing a good crop.” Isn't it wonderful that, in Jesus, by the power of His Inhabitation, you and I are made "seed sown on good soil" that is "steadily producing a good crop!" Our lives, the message of God, the seed, the soil, our hearts, the final crop - all of it! - are gifts that only He provides for, sustains and makes fruitful! All glory to you, Jesus!
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February 2025