"The gospel provides, among other things, two utter necessities for human living: a static norm and a progressive ideal. In presenting the character of Christ, fixed in history, it provides an anchoring place for our minds and keeps them from going adrift in every passing wind of modern speculation and tendency. But it goes further: in its teaching concerning the Holy Spirit it provides a progressive dynamic that is capable of infinite adaptation to a growing life. The Spirit ‘guides us into all truth.’ Hence the Spirit is forever unfolding what was infolded in the person of Christ and is forever applying it to changing conditions. The gospel has, therefore, about it a sense of newness, of surprise, of eternal freshness. He who lives under the sway of the Spirit lives under a perpetual dawn. A surprise awaits him around every corner. Vistas open everywhere. He knows in the inmost depths of his being that what he has cannot be outgrown, for he knows that he possesses, not a set of dead truths, but the very Spirit of truth. The gospel will, therefore, never be out-known nor out-grown. The Spirit is its principle and power of rejuvenation.” E. Stanley Jones, The Christ of Every Road
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September 2024