"What Mary has conceived is conceived through the Holy Spirit, and she will give birth to a son, whom you will call Jesus, for it is he who will save his people from their sins.” All this happened to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet—‘Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and bear a son, and they shall call his name Immanuel’. (“Immanuel” means “God with us.”) Matthew 1:20b-23
And what so wonderfully strikes me as we celebrate this particular Christmas, and as we look here at Isaiah's words from Isaiah 7, is how the whole reality of this Jesus, of His Kingdom, of our God, is built on the most wonderful contradictions. Look here: A virgin... with child. God... with us. No other spiritual understanding in all the history of the world, no other pattern of belief, has ever had its Center truly among its people. The way of Jesus contradicts every known normalcy: His are regular disciples In His presence, the blind see The lame walk The deaf hear The mute speak He is a humble King Executed for His innocence Whose death brought victory Life was found in His death And He retook life after death He made sinful people holy His Holy Spirit came to live in common people His throne is meant to be shared by those commoners The formerly lost now become their fellow-men's guides Those who were once in darkness are now illumined by His light Yes, God is with us And, even more importantly, God is now within us Perhaps this Christmas, instead of settling down into the grooves of tradition, of feel-goodness, let's give some meditation to the fact that Jesus came to overthrow everything mankind had ever known... and continues to know. An entirely new way of living is unleashed in the birth of this baby. Nothing should have ever been the same, since. Has that been our experience?
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February 2025